Breasts are accessories to the female reproductive system that function to supply offspring with milk via lactation. However, why is it that these accessory organs that do not serve any reproductive functions such as a vagina or a penis are so heavily sexualized, so much so that the mere sight of a mother breastfeeding is deemed as “scandalous”?
Throughout history, various other body parts have been sexualized far more than breasts, such as feet, lips, ankles, and hair, but what changed? Attitude. While feet, buttocks, and so on are still fetishized, breasts have become more heavily sexualized. Perhaps it may be that breasts are one defining feature that men do not possess and, as breasts are heavily attributed to the fetishized woman, so too are the defining features that define her as a woman.
This is both due to how we are taught that breasts are to be ashamed of from a young age, where girls must cover up around boys as they cannot control themselves. Schools also are wary of our feminine prowess as the glimpse of our delicate shoulders can leave a man crazy, or so we are told. In media as well and porn, we are shown seductive seems of tight dresses that accentuate and uplift the round bosom of a femme fatale. It’s no wonder that breasts are so heavily sexualized when wherever you go, everyone has grown up with the mindset that they are.