What is Racial Equality?
Racial equality is the belief that individuals, regardless of their racial characteristics, are morally, politically, and legally equal and should be treated as such. Furthermore, it is the belief that different racial groups are equal with none being inherently superior or inferior in any physical or mental traits.
Difference between Racial Equality and Racial Equity
There is a slight difference noticed between the two terms: racial equality is treating everyone equally -- regardless of their conditions or surroundings --, whereas racial equity desires to achieve fairness depending on the situation and needs of the involved people.
Why Racial Equality?
Achieving an equal balance between all people of color is not the only goal. Our goal should also be achieving success for all groups. Racial equity develops goals and outcomes that will result in improvements for all groups. During the process, it will also address the needs of a particular group.
Addressing Racial Equality
Some things must be kept in mind while addressing such a matter. Things like emotional situations, not crossing the line, being gentle, understanding that each individual will receive this situation differently, etc., are some things to start with.
Taking Action
To take the correct action and initiate the racial equity plan correctly, the following things can be done: Establish an understanding of race equity amongst people.
Engage affected populations and stakeholders.
Gather and analyze correct data.
Conduct analysis or surveys to know more about the situation in a specific
Identify strategies and root causes and endow structure to the plan.
Thus, with a bit of planning and strategies, one can improve the status of a particular region and help the suffering individuals and provide better conditions.