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Prohibition of critical race theory in American schools

Critical race theory or CRT draws attention to how racism and disparate racial outcomes

often come from subtle social norms or dynamics rather than intentional and pointed

prejudices by a single individual. It presents a theory that the prejudices and preconceived

ideas related to race are not the results of a single person or a group of people making direct racist comments or actions, but the result of a collective fixed perception of race. CRT

scholars try to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by those prejudices,

and how they could represent themselves to counter them.

Bills banning the teaching of racial inequality in schools are presented in Congress and

statehouses in the U.S, even if a survey demonstrating that about 50% of students don't

learn about it, either way, was passed. In my opinion, students should learn about racial

inequalities in schools and be taught that one's personality or the overall way to act is not

defined by where they are from. Not talking about it is gonna lead to more subtle

preconceived ideas and prejudices deeply embedded in society. We should normalize talking about these types of things because if we don't, racism will continue.


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