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Back To School Anxiety

Going back to in-person school after COVID-19 puts a lot of stress on students. Do they have to keep their masks on, do they have to practice social distance, those questions bother people a lot.

Signs that you have back-to-school anxiety

You’re more clingy than usual

You cry/have more temper tantrums

You become more irritable

You have headaches or stomach pain

Common things students worry about

If their teacher is mean

If their friends are in their class

If they look stupid in front of others

If someone suddenly decides to pick on them

If certain subjects are too hard

How to deal with it and make it better

Have a consistent sleep schedule/eat healthy - sleeping is vital for the body to recuperate, and eating helps you gain energy so you have enough to survive the day. If they’re allowed, healthy snacks are a good option as well.

Focus on the positive side - sometimes it’s hard to find light in darkness, but it’s always there.

For parents: show empathy - your children often don’t show their emotions because they’re afraid of being judged for acting vulnerable. Sometimes, they just need a person to vent to.

Clarify and lower your expectations - getting straight A’s in every subject is difficult and unrealistic. Lowering expectations depending on the subject is encouraged. A few days before school, clarify these and encourage your child to do the best they can.

School is hard, but it’s best to have courage and go right into it. Before you know it, it’ll be summer break again very soon. We wish all students an amazing first day of school!


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