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The definition of aromantic is someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction. An aromantic person maybe in one of the groups; aromantic sexual or aromantic asexual.

The difference between aromanticism and asexuality is that aromanticism has to do with romantic attraction and asexuality has to do with sexual attraction. Due to the fact that these are two different types of attraction, aromantic and asexual do not mean the same thing. They are, however, still similar due to the fact that they both indicate a lack of attraction.

Aromantic people experience a lot of discrimination and erasure for many reasons. Some people try to tell them that not feeling romantic love at all isn’t possible, which is false. The belief that romantic love is the only thing that makes us complete and human makes no sense. People also refuse to believe that aromantics are not part of the LGBTQ+ community, due to the fact that they aren’t gay. Asexuals also experience similar types of discrimination.

Knowing if you are aromantic can be difficult, since it can be hard to know if you experience something that you don’t know the feeling of. Signs of being aromantic can be;

  • Struggling to imagine what romantic love is or what it feels like

  • Not falling in love or liking anyone

  • Not being able to relate to friends/family that are in relationships or in love

Though these can be good indicators, every experience is different and no one can tell you what you are or who to be.


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